csapp lab2 bomb(2)

2014-10-06 Mithrilwoodrat 更多博文 » 博客 » GitHub »

原文链接 http://woodrat.xyz/2014/10/06/csapp-lab2-bomb2/


(gdb) disassemble phase_2 Dump of assembler code for function phase_2: 0x08048b48 <+0>: push %ebp 0x08048b49 <+1>: mov %esp,%ebp 0x08048b4b <+3>: sub $0x20,%esp 0x08048b4e <+6>: push %esi 0x08048b4f <+7>: push %ebx 0x08048b50 <+8>: mov 0x8(%ebp),%edx 0x08048b53 <+11>: add $0xfffffff8,%esp 0x08048b56 <+14>: lea -0x18(%ebp),%eax 0x08048b59 <+17>: push %eax 0x08048b5a <+18>: push %edx 0x08048b5b <+19>: call 0x8048fd8 <read_six_numbers> ;从名字就能看出读取了6个数字从$ebp-0x18 到 $ebp- 0 0x08048b60 <+24>: add $0x10,%esp 0x08048b63 <+27>: cmpl $0x1,-0x18(%ebp) ;比较第一个数字,这里看出第一个数字为1 0x08048b67 <+31>: je 0x8048b6e <phase_2+38> 0x08048b69 <+33>: call 0x80494fc <explode_bomb> 0x08048b6e <+38>: mov $0x1,%ebx 0x08048b73 <+43>: lea -0x18(%ebp),%esi 0x08048b76 <+46>: lea 0x1(%ebx),%eax ;$eax=$ebx+1 0x08048b79 <+49>: imul -0x4(%esi,%ebx,4),%eax ;$eax = $eax*当前数字 0x08048b7e <+54>: cmp %eax,(%esi,%ebx,4) ;判断 $eax是否等于下一个数字 0x08048b81 <+57>: je 0x8048b88 <phase_2+64> 0x08048b83 <+59>: call 0x80494fc <explode_bomb> ---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit--- 0x08048b88 <+64>: inc %ebx 0x08048b89 <+65>: cmp $0x5,%ebx 0x08048b8c <+68>: jle 0x8048b76 <phase_2+46> 0x08048b8e <+70>: lea -0x28(%ebp),%esp 0x08048b91 <+73>: pop %ebx 0x08048b92 <+74>: pop %esi 0x08048b93 <+75>: mov %ebp,%esp 0x08048b95 <+77>: pop %ebp 0x08048b96 <+78>: ret
End of assembler dump.


int arr[6]; read_six_number(arr); if arr[0] != 1 explode_bomb(); for(i=1;i<=5;i++) { y = i+1; if(y*a[i-1] != a[i]) explode_bomb(); }

从上面的代码可以轻易的得出 这6个数字...

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